
ACLU wants Michigan prison to give inmates free cups during COVID-19


A Detroit Free Press article posted on September 19th notes that the ACLU of Michigan is calling on a federal prison to provide free cups to incarcerated people during COVID-19. The ACLU of Michigan wants to prevent the spread of the virus from prisoners using the drinking fountains. Under normal circumstances, prisoners at the [...]

ACLU wants Michigan prison to give inmates free cups during COVID-192020-10-01T09:00:27-04:00

Federal prisons resume visitation in October, 7 months after COVID-19 forced suspension


USA Today reported on September 1st that the US Federal prison system will resume inmate visitation starting in October. This change, 7 months after visits were suspended because of the threat of COVID-19, was announced by officials on Tuesday. "We are committed to protecting the health and welfare of those inmates who are entrusted [...]

Federal prisons resume visitation in October, 7 months after COVID-19 forced suspension2020-09-03T09:02:26-04:00

Union calls for removal of Michigan prisons director over handling of coronavirus


The Detroit Free Press reported on August 27th, 2020 that the union representing Michigan prison officers called for the removal of Michigan Department of Corrections Director Heidi Washington. The union noted that it has lost confidence in her leadership over the handling of the coronavirus pandemic. "The Michigan Corrections Organization will be submitting a vote [...]

Union calls for removal of Michigan prisons director over handling of coronavirus2020-09-03T09:00:35-04:00

Michigan inmates fear punitive responses to COVID-19 in state prisons


In a post published August 25th, reports that many Michigan inmates say that they fear punitive responses from state prisons when dealing with COVID-19 and its spread among inmates. Throughout the pandemic, prisoners have raised concerns about how the Michigan Department of Corrections is responding to COVID-19 in the state's prisons. Read and listen to [...]

Michigan inmates fear punitive responses to COVID-19 in state prisons2020-08-27T08:35:05-04:00

Nearly half the population at Michigan prison tests positive for COVID-19


In an article posted August 21st, 2020, The Detroit Free Press reported that nearly half of the prisoner population at the Muskegon Correctional Facility tested positive for COVID-19. Men incarcerated there told the Free Press they feel it's inevitable that the virus will spread even further behind the prison's walls. They fear for their health and [...]

Nearly half the population at Michigan prison tests positive for COVID-192020-08-27T08:31:11-04:00

Care or punishment? Michigan prisoners placed in solitary as COVID surges


In an article published August 24, 2020, reported that, with a new surge of COVID-19 cases in Michigan's prisons, many inmates who test positive are placed in solitary confinement. Since March, the Michigan Department of Corrections has placed inmates who are sick or suspected of being so in solitary confinement — which is normally [...]

Care or punishment? Michigan prisoners placed in solitary as COVID surges2020-08-27T08:29:30-04:00

Michigan prison staff are now required to get tested for COVID-19


The Detroit Free Press reported on August 19th, 2020 that all prison staff are now required to get tested for COVID-19 under an emergency order issued that same day. Weekly testing will be required of employees who work in facilities with positive cases confirmed among prisoners or staff within the last 14 days. Testing in those [...]

Michigan prison staff are now required to get tested for COVID-192020-08-27T08:25:54-04:00

Coronavirus cases in prisons are exploding. More people need to be let out.


A Washington Post editorial posted on August 21, 2020 notes the vulnerability of the prison population in the midst of the deadly COVID-19 pandemic and the uneven efforts nationally to deal with this issue. The authors of the opinion article call for more prisoners to be released for health and safety reasons and to help [...]

Coronavirus cases in prisons are exploding. More people need to be let out.2020-08-27T08:23:20-04:00

Amid spike in prison coronavirus cases, Gov. Whitmer orders testing and safety protocols


An MLive report posted on August 15, 2020 notes that because of a major spike in COVID-19 cases in Michigan prisons, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer signed an executive order establishing new coronavirus safety and testing protocols inside correctional facilities through the end of September.

Amid spike in prison coronavirus cases, Gov. Whitmer orders testing and safety protocols2020-08-19T16:01:51-04:00

Coronavirus surges again in Michigan Prisons, with biggest outbreak since spring


In an article published August 13, 2020, MLive reports that Michigan is experiencing the largest outbreak of COVID-19 in its prisons since spring. Muskegon Correctional Facility is reported to have close to 400 cases, while Newberry Correctional Facility in the Upper Peninsula reportedly has 32 inmates testing positive. Prison staff are also impacted - 8 [...]

Coronavirus surges again in Michigan Prisons, with biggest outbreak since spring2020-08-14T15:53:41-04:00
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