population health

Protesters urge Governor Whitmer to release inmates


mLive reported on April 16th, 2020 that a small group of protesters, organized by prison-reform group Nation Outside, drove outside the Capitol Building in Lansing to urge Governor Whitmer to implement a series of measures to protect staff and prisoners facing the risk of exposure to COVID-19 in state prisons. mLive noted: Demonstrators called on the [...]

Protesters urge Governor Whitmer to release inmates2020-04-20T09:37:52-04:00

Invest in vulnerable communities – Brookings Institute


Hanna Love, Senior Research Analyst and Jennifer S. Vey, Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institute, posted a thoughtful article on how the pandemic offers all of us an opportunity to reset and refocus on investing in vulnerable communities as a way to improve public health now and in the future. The article also explores how [...]

Invest in vulnerable communities – Brookings Institute2020-04-10T13:46:00-04:00

More than 100 Wayne County jail inmates identified for release amid COVID-19


In an article publish March 20, 2020, The Detroit Free Press noted that Wayne County has identified over 100 inmates that eligible for release amid COVID-19 concerns. The article noted: Inmates considered for release include misdemeanor and ordinance violators, those who have work-release arrangements and people serving time on the weekend, the prosecutor's office said. [...]

More than 100 Wayne County jail inmates identified for release amid COVID-192020-04-20T09:59:38-04:00

Wayne County officials weigh releasing jail inmates vulnerable to coronavirus


The Detroit Free Press reported on March 18, 2020 that Wayne County officials met to discuss the possibility of releasing some inmates from the Wayne County Jail amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more: https://www.freep.com/story/news/2020/03/18/wayne-county-jail-inmate-release-coronavirus/2864302001/

Wayne County officials weigh releasing jail inmates vulnerable to coronavirus2020-04-20T09:53:52-04:00
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